Fun Fact Friday 🏘️ 3/29/2024

Fun Fact Friday with Andrew Bacon

Hey Friends,
Just 3 fun facts to share with you today and as usual, my weekly quote to ponder.  Have a great weekend!


Fun Fact 1:
The national average for a down payment is $31,500.  Colorado sits at $75,300. Florida, Washington D.C. and Hawaii are all tied for the highest at $98,700.

Andrew Bacon Top Colorado Springs Realtor

Source:, Visual Capitalist via Shakiba Capital

Fun Fact 2:
Greenway Mortgage calculated how long (in years) it would take for an average resident to save enough money to buy a home with 10% down in each state.  They took the percentage of income spent renting in each state, and the amount needed for a 10% down payment in order to make their determinations.

Andrew Bacon Top Colorado Springs Realtor

Source: Greenway Mortgage, Zillow, US Census Bureau Stats, Keeping Current Matters

Fun Fact 3:
In 2022, the median age for the United States as a whole was 39 years, but the median age by state has a lot more variance. Main is the oldest and Utah is the youngest.

Andrew Bacon Top Colorado Springs Realtor

Source: U.S. Censu Bureau, Visual Capitalist

Quote I’m pondering:

“In this short Life
That only lasts an hour
How much – how little – is
Within our power”
-Emily Dickinson


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